Grid-Tied (Net Metering) 
Did you know… SW Energy was the first company in NL to complete a project under NL’s net metering legislation, introduced in 2017, installing solar/wind combination system at our office in Clarenville, NL!
When an energy generation system is connected to the provincial electrical grid via power lines, it is considered to be “grid-tied”. Under NL Hydro and NF Power net-metering programs, when your PV generation system is grid-tied no battery bank is required and cost savings are applied directly to your power bill! The amount of energy you generate each month is compared to your energy usage—if you produce more than you use, you are given a credit towards your next month’s bill. At the end of the year, if you’ve produced more than you’ve used the provincial utility will pay YOU. An application process must be carried out to qualify for net metering and certain conditions apply. Links to net-metering applications and guidelines can be found here. SW Energy is happy to guide you through the application process and design an optimized system!
To enquire about products and/or prices please call SW Energy at (709) 466-5411, email or stop by our office at 9 Myers Avenue, Clarenville, NL.
NOTE: When installing any type of electrical energy system it is important to remember that the Canadian Electrical Code and other codes have guidelines governing the installation of various systems.